Weekly specials engage mind, body and spirit…

Each week the students at St. Mark’s participate in three special offerings…music, yoga and chapel. These programs are designed to help in development of the whole child. They are fun and also purposeful. Our kids love each of these programs!

Yoga with Miss Lindsay

Yoga helps children develop body awareness and teaches them to connect with themselves in a mindful way. It also helps build concentration and promotes a positive self-image all while developing a stronger body.

Our yoga classes with Miss Lindsay are fun and calming. Her kind, gentle spirit inspires the children in a way that helps teach them how to center themselves.

Miss Lindsay has a BA in Elementary Education from Michigan State University, and M.Ed. in Instructional leadership and is a certified yoga teacher.

Music with Miss Amy

Studies show that singing and music build confidence and help kids grow socially, emotionally and academically.

Our music classes with Miss Amy give students the chance to explore and enjoy music through singing, movement and playing percussion instruments. They learn concepts like beat, tempo and melodic contour.

Miss Amy holds a degree in Music Education from the University of Illinois and has taught music at the elementary level.

Chapel at St. Mark’s

Our preschoolers meet weekly with clergy from St. Mark’s to sing songs, pray, and listen. They also hear stories from the Judeo-Christian tradition and share questions and observations about the world around us.

Our chapel sessions are firmly grounded in the Episcopal ethos of the love of God and the believe that God calls us to love all of His children. We believe in inclusiveness and diversity and we respect and affirm the tradition to other faiths, including those with no faith tradition.

Chapel is led by Father George Smith, Rector of St. Mark’s, Pastor Robin Currie, Associate Pastor, and Diane Hessinger, Director of Preschool Ministries.